How to request for a Prepaid Electricity meter in Nigeria
Home | Anything | ( 2 ) | Subscribe Posted by Chidinma on Saturday August 30, 2014 at 11:49:34:
The Prepaid electric meter is a welcomed change in replacement of the old Post paid Electric meter. The prepaid meter as the name sounds allows you to load and use your electric meter; unlike the post paid electric meter that surcharges you at the end of the month. One good benefit of the prepaid electric meter is that, you only pay for power that you consumed, unlike the prepaid meter that bills you for both the power you consumed and extra. Another benefit of prepaid electric meter over the post paid meter is that with the prepaid meter, you can switch off the meter when you are not using any appliance in the home, this helps save energy consumption. When the prepaid electric meter was first introduced into the country, it was given out free of cost initially, but now you are required to make payment for the meter for to be installed for you. Let’s take a brief look at what it takes to make payment for a prepaid electricity meter. The prepaid meter is issued by the power holding company (PHCN), and to get the meter, you are required to visit any of the PHCN offices near you, and request for application for the instalment of a new prepaid meter. You will be given a form, to be filled, they may request for the meter number of your old post paid meter to ensure that you have cleared your outstanding bills and you will be required to make a payment for the meter in the office