SMS marketing
Home | Bulk sms | ( 1 ) | Subscribe Posted by Felix Okoli on Wednesday June 12, 2013 at 16:15:26:
One of the most effective methods of marketing to people in our age of mobile phone technology is by means of Short message service(SMS). SMS gives one the ability to connect to people by sending short and direct text messages to people and if you are trying to get a message across to people who are mostly mobile phone users, then sms marketing is the way to go.With SMS marketing businesses and organisations or even individuals can send thousands of text messages to their target group using bulk sms actions. All you really need to do is compose a single message and send it to that target group.Who needs SMS marketing?
Businesses: To get more customers or inform current ones of changes in prices and products.Religious organisations: Like churches, who want to invite or remind members to/of an important occasion like harvest, thanksgiving, fund raising or even updates in parish activity.Organisations: That want to spread an important information to the public of an upcoming event of how to be more socially responsiblePoliticians: When looking for votes, even Nigerian politicians have resorted to making use sms to campaign for votes.SMS marketing can be used to lure potential customers like bank customers, students, unemployed persons, old people and even politicians to an important event of inform them of a product that suits their need. With SMS marketing, you can bring more revenue to your business.