Computer Based Testing by JAMB
Home | Education | ( 1 ) | Subscribe Posted by Felix Okoli on Monday July 14, 2014 at 12:3:28:
The University Matriculation Exam (UME) that is conducted by the Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB) is a mandatory exam that every student aspiring to study in any of the higher institutions in Nigeria needs to sit for.In the past and for a long time, the UME used to be a paper based examination that only required the use of pencils and shading however, later on, JAMB migrated the system to a comptuer based one since the boom of computer usage in Nigeria among youths. The Computer Based Testing UME is an annual exam, and on the day of exam Candidates that registered for the exam are expected to visit their allocated centers and site for the 3 hours exams that comprises of 4 subjects, English being a compulsory subject in addition to 3 other subjects related to the Candidate’s course of study. The exams were normally taken manually, that is with paper and pen, but this year, JAMB introduced the computer based exam where Candidates are expected to take the exams with a computer. This innovation was started this year but some of the students that wrote the exam on the first batch continued with the manual method of paper and pen, it was the last batch of students that at for the exam that wrote with computer. Some Benefits Of The Computer Based JAMB Exam:
First and foremost, the computer based test will always be faster than the paper written exam, this is because, everything in the computer is automated, and Candidates just have to click a button to answer a question
Secondly, this system of writing exams will increase computer literacy among Nigerians, because Candidates that will sit for the exam next will put the efforts to learn the basis of operating a computer in order to easily access the computer during the exam