The benefits of investing in Education
Home | Education | ( 1 ) | Subscribe Posted by Felix Okoli on Saturday April 5, 2014 at 12:6:3:
Education is the bedrock of any society, this is because the development and progress of a Country is determined by how educated and informed the citizens are. Education can be formal and informal. Little wonder governments and individuals spend a lot of money in building schools, to make sure that its Citizens are well educated. This article will discuss the all round benefits of investing in education. To an Individual: as an individual, investing in personal education, mostly formal education helps enlighten and keeps you informed. Education also prepares you for a bright future, by giving you prospective of getting a job after school. Education also helps you know your rights and privileges as a citizen of a country. To the Government: Education produces a society of people who are more informed and less radical. An educated person cannot easily resort to violence and crime when sorting out a problem. It is easier to govern a country with more percentage of educated people as Citizens than a country with mostly illiterates. Education also helps in the advancement in science and technology of a Country. When a lot people are educated in a country, they will have more people thinking of better ways to invent things that will help in making life easier. To Individuals or Companies that Invest in Education: Setting up schools is a very lucrative business. In a society where People want to be educated, informed and enlighten, students will pay anything to achieve that goal. Investing in schools brings back a high return on investments. That’s why you see a lot of private individuals venturing into private educational system in this country.