Home | Finance | ( 2 ) | Subscribe Posted by Felix Okoli on Sunday June 15, 2014 at 19:51:56:
YOUWIN which is the short form for Youth Enterprise with Innovation in Nigeria, is an entrepreneurship program set up by the federal government of Nigeria to help unemployed youth start up an business or company of there choice. The programme started since 2012 and has seen 3 editions where winners have been helped to set up businesses ranging from agricultural farms, fast food joints and different business venture. YOUWIN is a yearly programme and youth that meet the criteria will apply by submitting there business proposal to the YOUWIN website. Winners chosen from the first stage proceed to the second stage where they are expected to pass through some interviews both oral and written. When the final winners are picked, they are given the money batch by batch to start setting up the business plan they applied with, starting from registering a company to buying machineries and renting office space.To apply for the next stage of YOUWIN programme, you have to have the following qualifications;
- You have to a graduate of a higher institution; it can be a university, a polytechnic or a college of education; you have to write and submit your business plan; and the business plan has to employ at least 10 people. If you meet these qualifications and the next edition of YOUWIN kicks off, you can visit their website and submit your business proposal after which they will contact you if you made it, to proceed to the next stage of the competition.