How to teach your children to speak Igbo


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Posted by on Monday April 14, 2014 at 13:2:41:

Since English Language is the official Language in Nigeria you find out that most schools and organizations use English language during communication. It is now the duty of parents to teach their children Igbo Language if they want their children to learn their language since the language can’t be learnt in school. Teaching not really hard since the language comes naturally with just a little learning and it is said to be the easiest indigenous language in the country.

3 ways to teach your children to speak Igbo
• Make it the official language at home: why most children find it hard to speak the Igbo language is because, when they go to school they are taught with English Language and even when they get back home, they still speak them little or no opportunity to learn the Igbo language. Parents should make it a rule that Igbo should be the official language to be spoken at home. This way, a child gets to learn the language and will perfect in it as time goes on.

• Buy Igbo books and novels for your children: your way to encourage your children to learn the Igbo language is to buy Igbo novels for them. There are a number of interesting novels in the market.

• Buy Igbo movies and encourage them to like watching it. It is much easier to learn to speak Igbo from tv.