Tips To Save Money On Transportation In Nigeria


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Posted by Akanakem on Wednesday August 17, 2016 at 17:9:49:

Transportation fare is among the top expenses most Nigerians make on a daily basis. Owing to the fact that Nigeria’s transport system is not as coordinated as the systems in developed countries, transportation fares in Nigeria tend to be very expensive. Some tips to save transport money in Nigeria are:

a. Opt for an commercial motorcycl: The transport fares for Okadas (Commercial motorcycles) are not fixed. Thus, you can always reach a cheaper bargain with an okada rider, than taking a bus with fixed fare and most times much expensive. Fares are lower where there is an abundant supply of Okadas or one going the same way as you.

b. Join a Colleague: Instead of spending much money on transport each morning to get to work, you can find a colleague or a friend that works in the same location as you and join the person. You can contribute some amount to the cost of fuel purchase monthly, but in all, it will likely be much cheaper than taking a public to and from work each day.

c. Pair With Someone: If you have a personal car, you can get some colleagues to ride with you to work each day, and in return, they will have to contribute a bit to the money for fuel.

d. Take A Train: Although the rail system in Nigeria is not yet fully developed, some areas in the West and Middle belt now have a functional train plying the route. So when you need to take a journey to any of the locations, you can opt to take a train since it is cheaper.